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Event handlers

Event handlers can be registered with bind and unbind. Bind takes two parameters: the name of the event, and the name of the function to call when the given event is triggered.

Event handlers receive an Event object with additional information. An example Javascript handler:

function handler(e) {
    // e is an object with all the transmitted event details

Binding a handler

An event handler can either be a named function, or more commonly, a function itself.

bind("irc.PRIVMSG", function(e) {
    console.log("Received message from "+e.Nick);

// or
function privmsgHandler(e) {
    console.log("Received message from "+e.Nick);
bind("irc.PRIVMSG", privmsgHandler);

Unbinding a handler

To unbind a handler, you must retain a reference to that function. Generally this means keeping a reference to the original handler around.

function privmsgHandler(e) {
    if (e.Nick == "Someone") {
        // Unbind after Someone sends a message
        unbind("irc.PRIVMSG", privmsgHandler);
bind("irc.PRIVMSG", privmsgHandler);


Event Name Description
cli.INPUT Input received from terminal
cli.OUTPUT Output sent to terminal
irc.CONNECTING Fired when first connecting to the IRC server
irc.CONNECT Successfully connected to the IRC server
irc.DISCONNECT Disconnected from the IRC server
irc.PRIVMSG A message received, in a channel or a private message
irc.NOTICE A notice received
irc.WILDCARD Any IRC event
irc.[code] A specific IRC event, given its RFC Code. For example, 001 irc.001 or NICK is irc.NICK.
hook.WILDCARD Fired whenever a valid webhook is received.
hook.[ID] Fired when the webhook with [ID] is received.